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The Experts Agree!
Quotes from the field

"A great read from start to finish." --

"Walking the fine line between earnestness and parody, Dr. Id is solid and entertaining." -- The Comics Journal Online

"Dr. Id is fabulous -- intelligent and fun. It's a treat to read a 'genre' comic with 'grown up' sensibilities. Forget the comfy chair -- Dr. Id is definitely a comic to read on the couch!" -- Batton Lash, writer/artist, Supernatural Law

"Cleverly written and beautifully illustrated, Dr. Id is the therapy today's highly repressed superhero comics sorely need! Ever since I read it, I stopped having those creepy dreams about my mother!" -- Fred Van Lente, writer/co-creator, Action Philosophers!

"It's not just good, it's tremendously good. Dr. Id is a terrific idea, and the execution is equal to the idea... the little touches of Kirby and Ditko in the mix are just the right blend. Phenomenal work." -- Ty Templeton, writer/artist, The Simpsons, Batman Adventures, American Splendor, Howard the Duck, Justice League; Editor, Mr. Comics

"Very fun and fiendishly clever! I'm jealous." -- Gary Carlson, co-creator of the Big Bang Comics universe

"Perceptive and witty in both Adam McGovern's writing and Paolo Leandri's art, if we had more of Dr. Id we wouldn't need all those other comic superheroes, because we'd all be cured. Brilliant and entertaining!" -- Lisa Levy, Self-Proclaimed Psychotherapist, Psychotherapy Live!

"Dr. Id perfectly works on different planes; it is visually superb, entertaining and humorous. The art is gorgeous, the dialogue is hilarious, and I loved the psychedelic aspect, weird and a bit undergroundish, which is really welcome today. A wonderful job; a keen and homogeneous mixing of the medium's different directions we love so much. Indeed, you are both 'incredible shrinking men'!" -- Jean Depelley, respected French comics critic and creator

"It happens. The non-mainstream American comics still have small, wonderful surprises for us. One is Dr. Id, absolutely surprising for the witty quality it displays in dealing with its peculiar subject-matter." -- Marco Rizzo, (One of Italy's most popular and influential comics sites)

"Dr. Id is an odd marriage of satire, offering sendups of Silver Age comics storytelling and touchy-feely pseudo-psychology of the 21st century. That two-pronged appeal is the property's greatest strength. Leandri offers up a solid amalgam of legendary masters' styles. Dr. Id is a fun book, especially for fans of the medium's past storytelling and storytellers." -- Don MacPherson (co-founder, The Fourth Rail), Eye on Comics

"Good stories, fun, thought provoking ... what might have happened if Denny O'Neill and Jack Kirby had teamed up to tell Dr. Occult stories as a backup feature in Tales of the Unexpected for DC in the early '70s." -- Comic Geek Speak

"Dr. Id is simply great medicine." -- Independent

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